Now, to say that a game fails at one thing does not mean that it does not succeed at another. The game is built so you have to become a one man army and dispatch all of the enemies as quickly as possible. There are times where background noise can be used to cover the sound of your shot, but it is few and far between.

Sneaking past the patrols is out of the question since the enemy snipers are guaranteed to see you and shooting them will get the attention of every enemy in the area. You cannot traverse through broken down buildings and flank you enemy, you cannot sneak your way into a sniper’s nest, or even find any alternate routes to your objectives. However, the linearity of the game prevents you from taking any other routes other than where the patrol is. You would think that the best approach would be to sneak your way around the patrol, by either not being noticed or quietly picking out enemies. The average level will involve some sort of artificial hallway, be it a bombed out street in Berlin or a V2 rocket facility, littered with enemies and a sniper or two perched in a building. Instead of creating a decent stealth game with some cool sniping opportunities, the game forces you to engage all enemies in the room in order to continue. The main problem with Sniper Elite V2 is that it completely misses the point of what a sniper game should be. The roughly six hour story does not do enough to satisfy any narrative nerve and only drives this game deeper into the mediocrity hole. There are no notable secondary characters and you are literally alone during every mission. Predictably, the story has you track down the most evil fictional Nazi’s ever imagined, complete with scars and ugly snarls. Once again, you take control of American OSS agent Karl Fairburne who has been sent deep into war torn Berlin in 1945 to single-handedly stop the German nuclear secrets from getting into Soviet hands. Skip it if: You actually enjoy sniping games. Snipers Choice - Players will often find themselves facing a choice of the perfect shot that leaves them catastrophically exposed or a more difficult route that means they can continue their mission.Play it if: You absolutely need a sniper game.Use The Environment - The slightest changes in the environment need to be taken into account to move into the perfect position, observe the quarry, take the shot and slip away unnoticed.Authenticity - The game features authentic World War II Berlin locations as well as vehicles, weapons such as the Springfield M1903, the Gewehr 43 and the Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 and uniforms modeled after the original versions.X-Ray Kill Cam - Amazing "kill cam" technology showcases what really happens when a bullet enters an enemy's body, allowing players to see hearts and lungs tear, livers burst, bones and teeth shatter and entrails fall out.Guaranteed to provide players with the most realistic simulation of military sharpshooting yet available. Sniping Simulation Sniper Elite V2 features detailed sniping simulation with advanced ballistics, taking into account gravity, wind, velocity, bullet penetration, aim stability and more.